Thursday, May 25
Only the medball gods know.
Just like President Hoover, left holding the ball. Who showed up today anyway? Who cares? After today, Bruce is leaving for Europe and won't be back until June 13. The survival of the group hangs in the balance. Will they be scattered to the wind or just break wind. Only the medball gods know.
Tuesday, May 23
You bring 'em you teach 'em.
We may not be soldiers training at the Bengal Sappers facility at Roorkee, India but we did have a big medball group today. Robert was up to his usual recruiting new people, adding David & John, and Stephen brought Joe. Paul and Bruce rounded out the group. Craig dropped off a ball but couldn't stay; something about a bone?? I saw him later and found out it was his phone. Bruce took David & Joe for an intro to medball, while Paul showed John no mercy in his intro. David said he would be leaving early to see his Cardiologist, which we took as a joke but indeed he did leave early, soooo, maybe, who knows. Joe picked the routine up quickly. Bruce and Paul switched groups about halfway. John was a real hard worker; we have to work on the having fun part with him. You know the ol' medball motto; "Fun work & Hard play". Which is what Robert & Stephen were busy doing all the while. I think a new rule is in order; if you bring 'em you teach 'em. Anyway, see you Thursday.
Thursday, May 18
Speed Play
The photo payes hommage to the Goonball (read as heavy) or the Big Blue Ball which had a rest today. Robert & Craig, two of the old timers, used the 4kg / 8.8 lb. ball and keep up a brisk pace. Bruce, Stephen & Paul used a lighter 3kg / 6.6 lb. ball; a new lighter ball to the group. Interestingly, with a very brisk pace Bruce, Stephen & Paul experienced the Power equation, combinding both speed and strength to varying degrees. Additionally, there was a lot of huffing & puffing. See you Tuesday.
Tuesday, May 16
Be the Ball
So cute, just like todays workout. Robert, Paul, Craig & Bruce were today's medballers. Robert & Paul started using the 4 kg ball and Craig wanted to work with Bruce on the Goonball. Robert brought a Stinger (4 lb medball) from home and it started a discussion on the different effects of using different weight balls. Soooo, Bruce decided to mix it up. B&C switched balls halfway thru with R&P. Experiential learning is the best path to understanding. The physical skill integration that changes as the modality changes is very interesting. The skill of accuracy, the ability to maintain a given pace, is controled mostly by the discipline to execute the routine proporly. One cannot overpower the ball; "be the ball Luke". Fun stuff, see you Thursday.
Saturday, May 6
Ball Happy
Today's photo is a medball workout from the Boston YMCA 1960's. Today, Bruce, Robert, Craig, Stephen & Paul showedup. C,S&P were on the 4kg ball while B&R were on the goonball. Everyone was happy with their ball. B&R breezed thur their routine with many grunts and growns. They had a 4th grade field trip at 9am, so they had to work right thur. C,S&P were chattie but busy. See you Tuesday.
Thursday, May 4
The Brown Bomber
The photo is of Joe Lewis using a medicine ball during his preperation for one of his many bouts. It brings to mind Stephen & Robert catching Bruce today. Bruce was feeling very good today; 8 weeks after his skateboard crash. He decided to not use any pain management options other than rest. Bruce joined the group a little late today; stepping in with Craig and Stephen with the 4kg ball. Craig is throwing the ball very well, so noted by Bruce who caught him. Bruce was caught by Stephen through the first part of the workout, he has to learn to keep his hand together and to move with the ball. Stephen's stamina, eg, he rotates 40 reps per rotation, kept Craig busy thoughout. Robert & Paul were on the Goon ball today and seemed to S, C & B to be very chattie though the first half of the exercise. Paul had to leave midway for a Dr. appointment and Bruce joined Robert. Robert and Bruce proceed to light-it-up with the Goon ball, and finished strong. Great workout! See you next week on Tuesday.
Tuesday, May 2
Today's photo is of the Herbert Hoover Whitehouse; that's the president himself out with members of his cabinet tossing the medicine ball over a net. Hooverball was created by his SG to improve his health and shrink his girth. Hooverball survives today. Big group today, Craig, Robert, Stephen, Paul & Bruce, who dropped off the balls b/4 retuning his wifes car to her. Craig & Stephen worked the Goonball or it worked them? Robert & Paul were rejoined by Bruce, who rode up on his bicycle. Paul is really catching on quickly. We'll see you Thursday.