Tuesday, May 23


You bring 'em you teach 'em.

We may not be soldiers training at the Bengal Sappers facility at Roorkee, India but we did have a big medball group today. Robert was up to his usual recruiting new people, adding David & John, and Stephen brought Joe. Paul and Bruce rounded out the group. Craig dropped off a ball but couldn't stay; something about a bone?? I saw him later and found out it was his phone. Bruce took David & Joe for an intro to medball, while Paul showed John no mercy in his intro. David said he would be leaving early to see his Cardiologist, which we took as a joke but indeed he did leave early, soooo, maybe, who knows. Joe picked the routine up quickly. Bruce and Paul switched groups about halfway. John was a real hard worker; we have to work on the having fun part with him. You know the ol' medball motto; "Fun work & Hard play". Which is what Robert & Stephen were busy doing all the while. I think a new rule is in order; if you bring 'em you teach 'em. Anyway, see you Thursday.

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