Friday, January 11


Happy New Year

What do squirrels with light sabers have to do with medicine balls? Well nothing, but if this could happen they may try a medicine ball next.
We are adding additional days to our workouts. We will now be meeting Monday through Thursday at 8:00am. Stephen will be meeting on Monday & Wednesday; Paul & Robert will be meeting on Tuesday & Thursday. And, I Dr. Medicine Ball will be at the M, T & W meetings. I want to pursue an opportunity to play my primary sport on Thur. morning and increase the number of workouts I now have. Although 3 days in a row may not be ideal in meeting ones fitness needs, from a general conditioning standpoint, it will add an additional 30 to 35 annual workouts to my routine. Coupled with my new Thursday play and random fun thoughout the week I should realize a rational & positive training effect by the Second Thursday of October.

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