Monday, August 23
A New School Years is Starting Today
Out of chaos comes order. Or, is it the other way?
Anyway, this will be our 5th season and we are implementing a new Medicine Ball workout schedule for the Fall. This past year we had 2 groups; a MWF group and a TTH group. This year we are going to reconstitute to Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7:55 am. We will be meeting behind Zilker Elementary School, in Austin, TX, on the covered Basketball Court, on Ann Arbor St. Feel welcome to come to our FREE workouts any time you would like. We accept anyone from the physically inept up through the physically gifted. But, rest assured, one dose of the Daily Dozen medicine ball workout and your life will never be the same again.......and, that's a good thing.
Come join now and be ready for our massive Second Thursday Celebration in October.
Dr. Medicine Ball.